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Panther Pink, one of the wildest colors to ever come out of an American automobile company.

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Listing Your Car on

I originally started this web site to gather some information about Panther Pink and Moulin Rouge Mopars and their history. It soon became clear that other owners were just as passionate about their FM3 cars as I am about mine. I have made space available for other owners of FM3 cars to display them on this site.

Your car does not have to be perfect or restored to be added to the site. I will also list factory FM3 cars for sale on the site.

NOTE:   The main focus of this site has been to feature factory FM3 cars but I have had several requests to display cars that were originally another color but have been repainted in Panther Pink. Click here for information on listing your non-factory Panther Pink car.

What is needed:
  • Description or story about your car
  • History of car if known
  • Photos of car. If restored, before photos as well *
  • Fender Tag Codes (photo of tag preferred)
  • Photo of broadcast sheet if possible
  • Do you want your name on page?
  • Do you want VIN and license plate numbers obscurred?
  • * If you don't have digital photos, I can scan your photos for you.

In addition if car is for sale:
  • Price
  • Condition
  • Contact Information
  • Location
  • Links to other sites where car is listed
Submit your materials to .

If you do not want to have your car added to the site but are willing to provide information for the database, or if you have any questions, please contact me.

Thank you for visiting

See a factory FM3 car at a car show, auction or junk yard and I don't have the car on the site?

Or know someone else who has one?

I would appreciate the information on any factory FM3 cars out there, whether you own them or not.

Take some pictures, including the fender tag, and write down the information on the car. If you can, let the owner know about this site.


Information on having your non-factory Panther Pink car displayed on the site.

While the focus of this site is to feature factory FM3 Mopars, there are many nice cars out there that have been repainted from their original color to FM3. These cars will be displayed on the Non-Factory Cars page. Please follow the guidelines below to have your car considered for display. Please note that I have limited server space and may limit the number of cars included.


  • Only Mopars will be featured, sorry Chevy guys
  • 1960s-1970s cars preferred
  • No "For Sale" listings
  • Car should be in nice, restored condition
  • Limit of 10 photos (not including tag photo)
What is needed:
  • Description or story about your car.
  • Original color of car.
  • Up to 10 photos of car, if you send more, I will select 10 to display. If you don't have digital photos, I can scan your photos for you.
  • On 1970 and newer cars, please provide a clear photo of your fender tag if you have one.
  • Do you want your name on page?
  • Do you want VIN and license plate numbers obscurred?
Submit your materials to .

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