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This car has been restored and is now for sale on ebay.
Item #290333423092
End time: Aug-01-09
FM3 Y05 EN1
FM3 L1X9 TX9 707 482231
E24 D31 VL29 C0B 416211
EN1 - End of Codes
Y05 - Build for U.S.
FM3 - Moulin Rouge Upper Body Paint
FM3 - Moulin Rouge Lower Body Paint
L1X9 - Black Vinyl Bench Seats
TX9 - Black Upper Door Frame Paint
707 - Scheduled Production Date - Tuesday, July 7, 1970
482231 - Order Number
E24 - 225 1-bbl 6-Cylinder Engine
D31 - Light-Duty 904 Automatic Transmission
VL29 - Duster 2-Door Sport Coupe
C - 225 1-bbl 6-Cylinder Engine
0 - 1970 Model Year
B - Assembly Plant - Hamtramck Michigan
416211 - Sequence Number
VL29C0B416211 moulin rouge duster panther pink duster

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