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This car is for sale in Quebec Canada
Listed on 9/8/14
Seller's description:
Plymouth Barracuda 1970, vrai code de couleur FM3, sorti rose de compagnie 1 des 96 produit en 1970. Intérieur blanc, siège baket, moteur 340, 4 barril 1970. Automatique à colonne. 70000 KM. A été restauré au complet en 2010. Voture très rare pour connaisseur.
True FM3 1970 Plymouth Barracuda. One of 96 produced in 1970. White interior, bucket seats, 340 engine, 4-barrel, automatic on the column. 43495 miles. Fully restored in 2010. Very rare car for connoisseurs.
$38,500 CDN, Contact: annyg@cegep-chicoutimi.qc.ca
Note that car originally came with a 318 engine. The fender tag shows the codes for the rallye instrument panel and tachometer, which are unusual on a Barracuda and not present in the car now. Owner says it didn't have them when he got it.
Y05 EN1
V1W A62 C55 M21 N85 R11
FM3 H6XW 000 703 023521
E44 D31 BH23 G0B 407567
EN1 - End of Codes
Y05 - Built for U.S.
R11 - Music Master AM Radio
N85 - Tachometer
M21 - Roof Drip Rail Mouldings
C55 - Bucket Seats
A62 - Rallye Instrument Cluster
V1W - White Full Vinyl Top
FM3 - Moulin Rouge Lower Body Paint
H6XW - White Vinyl Bucket Seat Interior
000 - Upper Door Frame Paint (N/A on E-body)
703 - Scheduled Production Date - Friday, July 3, 1970
023521 - Order Number
E44 - 318 2bbl Engine
D31 - Light Duty 904 Automatic Transmission
BH23 - Barracuda 2-Door Hardtop
G - 318 2bbl Engine
0 - 1970 Model Year
B - Assembly Plant - Hamtramck, Michigan
407567 - Sequence Number

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